Saturday, April 23, 2011


So I guess I should explain my own journey of trying to have a baby and why it's brought me to this point.

2007 - I marry my best friend (from here on out, we'll call him S).
2008 - We decide that we're ready to have a family. I stop taking birth control in December.

January 2009 - We try to make a baby.
June 2009 - Still trying. I get nervous and buy ovulation strips, a basal thermometer, and start tracking my cycles.
August 2009 - I start to worry. But all the baby books say not to get concerned until about a year. We keep trying.
Sept/Oct/Nov - Hang upside down off the side of the bed after sex, take vitamins, consider going on a diet. Still no plus sign.
December 2009 - Still not pregnant. Really worried now. Have spent a small fortune on ovulation strips and pregnancy tests.
February 2010 - I officially decide that its time to see the doc. Go visit my gyno and let him know what's going on. He says the "I" word for the first time.
Feb/Mar/April - Blood tests, HSG, pelvic exams = OH MY! No results, no answers, many medical bills (did you know that FL law doesn't require insurance companies to cover infertility?)
May 2010 - Broke, heart broken. Opportunity comes up to go back to school again.
June 2010 - Baby on hold... I decide to go back to school to try and make some more $$$.
August 2010 - School.
August 2010 - Present - about 10 of my friends all get pregnant at once. Various baby showers commence. I get frustrated and start freaking out.
August 2010 - March 2011 - School has me so busy that I try not to think about baby stuff too much. Still worried because I don't know what exactly is wrong with me...
March 2011 - Find a new doctor. Since January been having pain during sex, extremely bad periods, and abdominal pain. Doc says that he thinks I have PCOS or Endometriosis. Schedules me for trans-vaginal ultrasound.
April 2011 - Trans-vag ultrasound discovers that I have an "inverted" uterus. Usually not a big issue, except that mine is obstructing my ovaries. Find out that I also have endometriosis on both ovaries. Cry in the parking lot on the way home.

Which brings me to... now. The doc wants me to have surgery to reposition my uterus and a laparoscopy to "clean off" the endometrial tissue on my ovaries. I have so many questions, concerns, and worries that I feel like throwing up when I think about it.

The future - July 2011 - Surgery.


If you ran across this blog by chance - I hope you keep reading.

I started this blog because:
1) I got tired of posting about this stuff on my personal blog, mixed in with updates about trips I've taken, schools, and my everyday life. This is not mundane, daily, "everyday" life. It's important and it deserves its own outlet to be expounded upon.
2) I know I can't be the only one out there that feels frustrated by feeling of being alone that permeates the experience of battling infertility.
3) I find a lot of good message boards, postings, articles, etc... and I want a place to link to all of them at once.

My hope is that someone will run across this blog and it'll make them feel better. I also hope that this blog will serve as a way to connect, vent, and work through the feelings that dealing with infertility has brought to my life. I hope that I can meet others like me who feel alone and are just looking for a friendly ear to listen!